Hacking Some Significant Changes · 16 October 2009 by Crosbie Fitch
Scott Carpenter said 5546 days ago :
Just let me know when I can write my promotional post. :-)
Crosbie Fitch said 5546 days ago :
I was going to e-mail you Scott. I don’t think I’m going to get 1p2U ready for a new influx today. :-(
I’ve just had a surprise 4 day holiday that’s thrown my time-scales out a bit.
Unfortunately things are going to remain a little haywire until I can switch over to a far more robust system. And then I can get on with improving usability and features.
Scott Carpenter said 5546 days ago :
No problem — I’m looking forward to trying it out more, but understand things take time. In the meantime I’m working on content that people might want to pay for.
Crosbie Fitch said 5546 days ago :
Yup, it takes time, as does other work I have to do in parallel – I had to solve someone’s business critical network failure on Weds & Thursday. I’m banking on 1p2U becoming ever more business critical for us, so I look forward to your work, as you no doubt look forward to mine. :)
I’ve been changing the representation of 1p2U subscriptions in terms of Contingency Market events, and still have some way to go. So 1p2U’s detailing of subscribers and articles published is not particularly accurate at the moment (very frustrating).
I’m amused to be hoist by my own petard, as in attempting to hack a direct database change (of URL events to URL_RSS events) I came across a security mechanism I’d long ago introduced to thwart such hacks. Once a contingency has been defined, it’s impossible to change it (because of the use of secure hashes). So, I’m going to have to support both the old contingencies and the new ones until the old ones have been replicated, and can eventually be discarded.